Legal Notice

Meincke Bienmüller
Rechtsanwälte PartmbB

Voßstraße 20
10117 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 8870490
Fax +49 (0)30 88704919

VAT identification number

All lawyers of the law firm Meincke Bienmüller are admitted to practice in the Federal Republic of Germany. They are members of the local bar organization the Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin. The following professional rules apply to German lawyers:

  • Federal Lawyers’ Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung - BRAO)
  • Rules for Professional Practice (Berufsordnung - BORA)
  • Certified Lawyers’ Act (Fachanwaltsordnung - FAO)
  • Lawyers’ Compensation Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz - RVG)
  • Professional Rules for Lawyers in the European Union.

For the full text of said provisions, please see the website of the Federal Bar Organization under “Informationspflichten gem. § 5 TMG”. Professional Liability Insurance is held with Allianz Versicherungs-AG in 10900 Berlin and covers activities in all the member states of the European Union. 

Attorney-at-Law & Notary Public Klaus Bienmüller is appointed notary public in Berlin. He is a member of the Chamber of Notaries Berlin. As notary public, the following main professional rules apply to him:

  • Federal Notaries Act (Bundesnotarordnung - BNotO)
  • Professional Regulations for Notaries (Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare - DONot)
  • Guidelines of the Chamber of Notaries Berlin
  • Notarization Act (Beurkundungsgesetz - BeurkG)
  • European Code of Notarial Law
  • German Court and Notary Costs Act (Gesetz über Kosten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit für Gerichte und Notare - GNotKG).

For the full text of said provisions, please see the website of the Federal Notaries Chamber under “Notar/Berufsrecht”. Supervising authority are the President of the District Court (Präsidentin des Landgerichts Berlin) and the President of the Kammergericht (Präsident des Kammergerichts). Professional Liability Insurance is held with Allianz Versicherungs-AG in 10900 Berlin.


Meincke Bienmüller
Rechtsanwälte PartmbB

Voßstraße 20
10117 Berlin

Phone +49 (0)30 8870490
Fax +49 (0)30 88704919